Many of you are already fans of today’s guest, Dr. Mike Lloyd, who is a Consultant Clinical Psychologist specializing in complex trauma and dissociative disorders and Director of the CTAD Clinic and Cheshire Psychology in the UK. He is also the creator of the popular CTAD Clinic YouTube Channel where you’ll find his engaging videos break down complex concepts related to living with and treating DID & OSDD into easy to understand language and captivating visuals.
Dr. Mike is a member of the European Society for Trauma and Dissociation (ESTD), having previously been on the ESTD Board and also a UK contact person. Dr. Mike also teaches on the ESTD four day foundation course ("Assessment and Treatment of Dissociative Disorders") and Liverpool University's Clinical Doctorate course. He is a lifetime member of First Person Plural, the UK's most prominent expert-by-experience organization for Dissociative Identity Disorder. He has presented in the UK, Europe and Canada. He is renovating a house in Malpas in preparation for a new clinic and rescues cats with the RSPCA (wait until you hear how many!)
This episode is chock full of wisdom, passion, and compassion. Dr. Mike gives us a taste of his respectful therapeutic style underscoring the importance of the treatment environment and therapeutic alliance in collaboratively charting a course to healing. A delightful surprise for those who living with dissociative identities (DI), Dr Mike gives us a sneak peak into the mind of someone who is not multiple. Meanwhile providers and supporters gain a better understanding of what it’s like inside the mind of someone living with DI. From strategies to resources, to understanding key concepts to hope and inspiration for those diagnosed later in life, there is truly something here for everyone. We hope you enjoy this conversation as much as we did!
Resources mentioned in the show:
CTAD Clinic Videos
YouTube: A Visual Understanding of How Alters/Parts are Formed
YouTube: Denial & Recognition Later in Life
YouTube: Action Systems and Their Influence
YouTube: Introduction to Structural Dissociation
YouTube: Why is my Internal Communication Not Working
YouTube: Managing Employment, Alters & DID
YouTube: Integration in DID & OSDD -hint-it’s not necessarily final fusion
YouTube: Integration & Fusion Part 2- understanding the differences
CTAD Clinic Trainings and Resources:
CTAD Clinic Resources to Explore
More Resources:
European Society for Trauma and Dissociation
International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation
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